
Friday, August 30, 2013

Alter (Entwined #1) by Lilliana Anderson Review ~Kami

Alter (Entwined #1)


Mia has a boyfriend Eric, but she is attracted to Cayd. Mia apparently starts having memory losses and blackouts. During her blackouts she acts extremely sexually aggressive around her boyfriend. This is a fast paced, well written, at times erotic story. I liked the characters and I thought the doppelgänger storyline was really interesting. I am interested in reading the next installment of this series to see what happens to these characters. 5 stars.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Born to Fight (Born #2) by Tara Brown Review ~Kami

Born to Fight (Born #2)


Emma is strapped to a metal table contemplating how best to kill the man who put her there, Marshall. Turns out Emma was created in a lab as an experiment like the babies in the breeder farms and has abilities like unrealistic strength. Apparently the future is run by white supremacists creating a master race. This book is written so well. I love the characters. There was a lot of relationship drama in this one. The action is very exciting and the pacing is perfect. 4 stars.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Written in the Stars by Jennifer Martinez Review ~Kami

Written in the Stars


Mackinzie always feels that she is fated to be together forever with her first love Curtis, yet life keeps them apart. The tone of this story in the beginning is kind of sad and full of regret. The characters were interesting though I had a hard time connecting with them. The writing is good but the pacing felt rushed. The erotic parts were written really well. It was interesting watching as Mackinzie transforms herself from good girl to pierced, tattooed, promiscuous girl to man hater. Mackinzie's character started growing on me towards the end. She goes through a few different relationships as she grows into the person she is meant to be and finds her perfect man. 3 stars.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Pawn (Nightmares Trilogy #1) by Sophie Davis Review ~Kami

Pawn (Nightmares Trilogy #1)


Endora Lee, nicknamed Eel has had the ability to make electronics stop working since she was a baby, right after she died and came back. On her eighteenth birthday she meets a mysterious boy named Kannon and she starts having prophetic dreams. I was liking this book better than the last book I read by Sophie Davis. I liked the characters better in this one. The writing and pacing are good. The story is interesting. 4 stars.

Red Fox (Experiment in Terror #2) by Karina Halle Review ~Kami

Red Fox (Experiment in Terror #2)

by Karina Halle

Perry Palomino was fired from her crappy day job and has debuted her webshow with Dex Foray. Perry's parents don't believe in ghosts or that Perry actually has supernatural medium abilities. Perry has scary dreams, an unrequited attraction to Dex and an annoying, perfect little sister. Then they go to New Mexico to investigate some strange supernatural occur­rences on a ranch. I really like these characters and the writing is really good. 4 stars.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Review of Heart Strings by Heather Gunter


Everyone thinks of me as this happy and upbeat person. What they don't know is that I carry a deep, dark secret. Something horrible happened to me a year ago, and I have kept it quiet all this time. I was fine for a while, but somehow it’s chosen this time to come back, and it's eating at me--like a cancer.

I need to tell someone about it, I just don't know how. I'm pushing everyone I love away, including my mom and my best friend Charlie.

Then there is Will. Handsome, sweet Will. We went out on a date a while back, but then the incident happened leaving me crushed and him confused.

How do you tell someone you care about all of your secrets, and will they still want you when the truth comes out?

Nanee's Review

After book one ended I couldn't wait for book 2 , Tory's story. Heather Gunter didn't emotions were all over the place, the ups and downs, mostly downs had me teary eyed and pissed off.......loved Will's character, what guy would care so much about a girl that pushes him away but he doesn't know why...he's a caring, sweet guy that you want to just hug and make him smile. Tori's nightmares keep her screaming in the night and she pushes away everyone she loves, I just wanted to tell her everything will be alright, I wanted to listen to her and be there for her. My heart broke for her...but she is one strong women. The writer captured her feelings, her sadness especially perfectly.....the author wrote with her heart and soul..I felt it.....4.5 stars

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Nanee's Review of Saving Margaret by Krystal Shannan


twitter username


Vegas Mates, Book 2
Krystal Shannan

Successful, but lonely, Margaret Taylor finds her mate in the body of a man she least expects it in. A bear! Her human half tries to reason her way out of the match, but her wolf is through with her excuses. Crossing the species line isn’t unheard of, but it’s not often done.

Try as she might to avoid him, fate makes sure the big grizzly bear is nearby at all times. But, will his presence be enough to protect her from the evil stalking her?

The power of the magick between them can’t be avoided. But, Scott O’Hearn thinks the beautiful Taylor wolf is doing a fine job of just that —avoiding him. He can’t help he’s a bear shifter and he’s determined to convince her it doesn’t matter. She is his mate and he’s waited over a century to find her.

Will he convince Margaret she’s his true match before it’s too late?

Nanee's Review:

Another great story by Krystal Shannan. I said this before and ill say it again, this is not your typical Shifter story or series ( which is great) ..i loved the main characters. Margaret still single and lonely  attends Chase and Sam's wedding and in walks the sexiest man she's  ever seen, he's tall, sexy as hell and smells oh so good....her mate !!!!! When Eric and Margaret meet sparks fly, bodies get hot and tempers flare.....I loved the beginning part when they first met, Margaret trying to push Scott away but not being able to stay away from him, finding out Scott's a bear....Margaret thinks all is lost when she finds out Scott's a bear, but the closer they get she can't stop wanting to be with the story progresses there's an attack within Margaret's pack ad Scott will not have his mate in danger,alot twists and turns in this part.  I enjoyed the whole story, I liked Scott and Margaret as a couple, they are both opinionated strong people and in my opinion perfect for other. Very hot scenes too.....4.5 stars


Available Now @ Amazon | Smashwords | ARe

Novel – 40K word count – Paranormal / Witches/ Shifter Romance

Vegas Mates in series order…
CHASING SAM (novella)

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Light of the World (Light #1) by Tara Brown Review ~Kami

The Light of the World (Light #1)


Rayne is running away from her hippy mother, Willow, to go to college. Weird things happen to Rayne like recurring dreams and her eyes glow. This book starts out really weird. I had no idea what was going on. By chapter 7, things start getting interesting. Once the supernatural aspects were clearly defined, I was liking this book a lot more but in the beginning I was completely lost. The writing is as always, really good. The characters are interesting and full of depth and complexity. 4 stars

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Moving Day by Cassandra Carr Spotlight ~Kami

Moving Day (Storm #1.5)


It's moving day for Sebastian, who's making a home with Sarah. Though Rob couldn't be happier for his friends, after the move has been completed he finds himself at loose ends, questioning the direction his own life is heading. Unbeknownst to him, Sebastian and Sarah are worried about the same thing and hope he can find someone special. Will he ever get his happy ending, or is Rob doomed to eternal bachelorhood?

This is a "bridge story" between Should've Known Better (Storm Series 1) and Underneath It All (Storm Series 2). Should've Known Better is available now, Underneath It All will release this fall. However, you can read and enjoy this story without having read Should've Known Better, though of course reading the first book might make characters and situations more clear in this bridge story.

Cassandra Carr is a multi-award winning erotic romance writer with Ellora's Cave, Siren Publishing, Sybarite Seductions, Decadent Publishing, and Loose Id. She lives in Western New York with her husband, Inspiration, and her daughter, Too Cute for Words. When not writing she enjoys watching hockey and hanging out online. Cassandra is the co-founder of two successful group blogs, Romancing the Jock and Dirty Birdies, and participates in several others as a contributor. Recently she was re-elected president of Western New York Romance Writers.
She thinks the best part of being a writer is how she writes about love and sex all day (and all night!) while most everyone else she knows is struggling with daily commutes, micro-managing bosses and cranky co-workers. The inspiration for her stories comes from everywhere, but she'd particularly like to thank the Buffalo Sabres, the hockey team near and dear to her heart. Yes, she knows way too much about the Sabres and hockey in general, but hey, everyone has to have a hobby, right?
For more information about Cassandra, check out her website at http://www., "like" her Facebook fan page at AuthorCassandraCarr or follow her on Twitter at Cassandra_Carr. Her email address is AuthorCassandraCarr AT

Vengeance (The Blood Trail Chronicles #1) by Tara Brown Review ~Kami

Vengeance (The Blood Trail Chronicles #1)


I know the old adage “Don't judge a book by its cover” is true but I find myself being drawn to certain books because of their covers. The cover gives you an idea of what the book is about. I love this cover. I think it is really pretty.

I am convinced Tara Brown can write anything. Most authors stick to one genre but she writes several. This is what she says: “I am a Canadian author of Paranormal Romance, Post Apocalyptic and Fantasy novels. Mostly because I think I have Writers ADD, I like to call it WADD. It might be a real thing.
I write New Adult, my books have sexual content (Heck yes) and Swearing. You have been warned. Now enjoy!” The last book I read by her, Born was a zombie dystopia book. Vengeance is high fantasy.

Princess Amillia is a strong, sympathetic character. She is spunky and naïve. She makes some bad choices but I liked her. “I knew I wasn’t a normal princess, I was comfortable with it.” She is betrothed to a disgusting man. Amilia loves someone else. “Even in anger, I loved him more than I loved myself. The most dangerous kind of love.” She is then betrayed by her brother. This book is very well-written and the pacing is perfect. I really enjoyed it. 4 stars.

Nanee's Review of Love Notes by Heather Gunter

Love Notes (Love Notes, #1)

Book Description:

How do you cope when the people you care for hurt you the most? When the way you feel on the outside, smothers you on the inside. And when you are left to face your demons alone, will you learn that only you have the power to overcome them?

Charlie has never had it easy. Between the constant moving and the incessant fat comments and jokes from her father, her self-worth is nonexistent. Her reflection in the mirror shows her nothing but a plain Jane. Music is the only thing that keeps her sanity in check.

Charlie catches the eye of the town star quarterback, Maverick. With her curves, her brunette hair, and the voice of an angel, Maverick has never met anyone like her. Everything that is different about Charlie just makes Maverick like her more. Unfortunately, Charlie doesn’t see it herself.

Proving it to her may deem harder than he thinks, especially when tragedy strikes and tears them apart.

Now standing on her own two feet she may finally learn exactly who she is, what’s she’s capable of and how very un plain Jane she really is

Nanee's Review:

I don't know how I can describe this book other than to say its amazing....The writer created a story that will make you cry, extremely pissed off, and giggly happy.

I absolutely love Charlie and Maverick's characters. Charlie has a tough life she is verbally abused by her father and ignored by her mother. Her father seems to hate her but Charlie doesn't understand why. Charlie lives a life of sadness, of self loathing, and Loneliness When a sexy guy pays her attention and calls her gorgeous and loves her she can't come to terms with it, she doesn't believe it.

Maverick is the captain of the football team, sexy as sin and wanted by every girl in the school. He has the most loving parents and has friends galore. But all he wants is Charlie. He thinks she's perfect, beautiful, sweet and amazing.

The author writes a touching story of a beautiful, caring girl who thinks the worst of herself, she thinks she's fat and ugly and never had anyone in her life to tell her different. I felt for Charlie from the beginning. I wanted to be her BFF, I wanted to tell her how beautiful and wonderful she is. I loved that Tori took her under her wing. Tori is a best friend that everyone needs. She made Charlie feel wanted, and cared for and was always there to catch her when she falls. I had a great friend in high school like that and I tell you it makes life better. I enjoyed the relationship between Charlie and Maverick , from the first hello, to the first kiss, to the I loves you then to the pushing each other away. This story has it all. This author is a amazing writer and will go far. I have to give it a 5 star but love to give it more...can't wait for book 2.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Revenge of the Three by Tim Miller Review ~Kami

Revenge of the Three

A few years has passed since the first book and Pastor Charlie is back. He is working in a funeral home, hasn't had any visions and hasn't killed anyone lately. Then weird things happen, people die and Lucifer shows up. In the first book, Charlie had a run in with Jesus now it is The Holy Ghost who is causing problems. This book is well written and the pacing is good. I liked the first book The Hand of God (Pastor Charlie) a lot and gave it five stars because the supernatural aspects were so unexpected, they came completely out of left field and I never saw them coming. I liked that the story was so good that I didn't figure out what was happening before the characters did, like I usually do. This second book continues the action from the first book as Pastor Charlie tries to save the world in his own violent way. 4 stars

Nanee's Review of The Second Year Running the Gauntlet (The Sturgis Diaries) by Brandie Buckwine

The Second Year Running the Gauntlet (The Sturgis Diaries)

Book Description:

If Cam’s first trip to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally was an awakening, her second trip could only be called eye-opening. Even though she knows better, Cam just can’t help chasing her libido – right into hell. But relying on Dylan to save her every time she finds trouble isn’t fair to him. Is it?

Cam starts her second trip to Sturgis with a bang. A gang bang, that is. Even though she’s fantasized about it for years, her first shot at group sex dies an embarrassing death. Her second shot is even worse. Will the third time be the charm, or will Cam run out of chances with her gang of rowdy bikers? While she might just pull it off, it could also be the one thing that pushes Dylan away, for good.

Nanee's Review:

I absolutely loved this story just as much as book 1. Brandie's cast of characters are down right sexy as hell. Cam is back and hornier then ever  but her dream of a gang bang isn't what she thought it would be, the description was so amazing  during this scene I felt like I was there. Dylan is sexier than ever..just as protective as ever and just as badass as ever. As the story continues Cam searches for the elusive orgasm and flirts and teases until it bites her in the ass...The story brings you up, it's flirty and sexy and brings you down with lessons learned, I love that in a story. Brandie's story was a amazingly written and Keeps you wanting more, I can't wait for book 3, I want more Cam and Dylan. 5 huge stars or 5 sexy bikers

Monday, August 12, 2013

Sapphire City (The Jewelled City #1) by Amy Richie Review ~Kami

Sapphire City (The Jewelled City #1)


I love the cover of this book. So pretty.

Stella is moved to a tiny Hawaiian island by her mother to protect her. She has a recurring dreams and her mother is always telling her to stay away from the water, though they live on an island. Stella can't quite resist the call of the ocean. This book is really well written and the pacing is really good. I was immediately drawn into the story. I thought the characters were sympathetic and interesting. The island Nortica is really strange. There are very few people. Stella doesn't have any idea what is going on or why her mother brought her there. “You’re on a deserted island,” I muttered to myself, “what’s the worst that could happen?” I really liked this story a lot. 4 stars.

Family Magic (Hayle Coven, #1) by Patti Larsen Review ~Kami

Family Magic (Hayle Coven #1)


16-year-old  Sydlynn Hayle is a witch from a family of witches. Her father is a demon and her little sister has demon horns. Her uncle is a vampire. Syd just wants to be normal. In this story not all demons are evil they are just beings from “a different realm of existence”. She has a talking cat who is actually a teenage demon. And her family seems very Addams family. Syd is full of teenage angst and I found her a bit annoying. “But when you live in a family of witches, weird stuff happens, stuff which might accidentally involve the neighbors, which means a quick move in the middle of the night to a whole new state so no one gets arrested.” There are your typical teen movie plot points, football hero hot boy with mean girl cheerleader girlfriend. I thought the story was a bit trite and formulaic. I felt like I was watching a movie on the Disney channel. I wasn't really getting into the story until chapter 14 when things started getting interesting. 3 stars.

Friday, August 9, 2013

The Plague Son By R.K. Finnell Beta Review ~Kami

This is the follow up to Kickshaw's Candies, an excellent story with elements of horror and Irish folklore. Finnell has a real talent for storytelling. This book is very well written. I liked the feel of the story. It has a dreamy, oral storytelling style that immediately draws you in. I felt compelled to keep reading so as to find out what was going to happen next. The writing is very descriptive, creepy and at times gruesome like a story told to Stephen King, Clive Barker, Neil Gaiman and Guillermo del Toro (Pan's Labyrinth) as they sit around a campfire. Each chapter reads like a short, scary, self-contained story that builds on each previous vignette. An amazing follow up to the excellent mythos that began with Kickshaw's Candies. 5 stars.

Skin Deep (DarkWorld #1) by T.G. Ayer Review ~Kami

Skin Deep (DarkWorld #1)


Kailin “Kai” Odel  is an Alpha Panther shapeshifter and Wraith Hunter. During a battle with a Wraith, Kailin stumbles on a mysterious murder of another Walker. The reader is then introduced to such entities as “the paranormal information network”, “the non-Human community”, “Death-talker” and “the New Army of Wrythiin." . The writing and pacing of the story are good though at times riddled with cliches. The characters are interesting and sympathetic. Things start getting really interesting, exciting and action packed by chapter 14. Some of the magical aspects of the story, I found a little too much to swallow. There was just too much going on that the story became very scattered. But all in all an enjoyable read. 4 stars.

Legacy of the dead; Deliverance by R.D. Teun Review ~Kami

Legacy of the dead; Deliverance


A group of survivors are stuck on a roof while zombies roam below. Their only hope is to make it to a supposedly safe town called Deliverance. I have noticed that it has become common in zombie stories to center the plot around the interactions between the survivors instead of the zombie killing action. Typically it is the living that you need to worry more about than the dead. The walking dead are predictable. But your fellow survivors, those are the ones that are unpredictable and at times even more dangerous than the zombies trying to eat you. Nothing like a zombie apocalypse to turn everyone homicidal and psychotic. Also, many zombie stories center around a safe place that the survivors hear about and feel that all will be well for them if they can make it there, in this case Deliverance. The mythical mecca of a safe place often times turns out not to be the hopeful utopia that is described. These are the kind of plot points that are done many many times in zombie stories. The characters in this story are an odd bunch. I didn't find them very sympathetic at all. For a character driven story to be really good, I feel you need your story to center around some really good characters that the reader cares about. This story fell a little short of that mark for me. 3 stars.