
Monday, June 30, 2014

Revenge of the Mad Scientist (Airship Adventure Chronicles #1) by Lara Nance review ~Kami


Lara Nance grew up and lived in many cites throughout the South. She loves to write in a variety of genres, but the basis of all of her stories is a great tale that will take you on an adventure of imagination.
If you want to escape and lose yourself in a novel, you've come to the right place. Choose your genre and settle in to be entertained. From thrilling mysteries and steampunk tales to paranormal romance and adventure, she's willing to explore a variety of compelling stories full of danger and suspense, along with a touch of romance.
Her first paranormal romance, Memories of Murder, won RWA's New England Chapter's readers' choice award in 2012 for Best Paranormal Romance, as well as an award of merit as Best Book from a Virginia Author in the Holt Medallion contest. In 2013, her novel DraculaVille - Discovery in New York, won the Rudy award for best novel with romantic elements.
Lara's newest endeavor is under the name L.J.Nance, a children's book series titled: Lyra's Ocean World. The first book is out now: Lyra to the Rescue. The illustrator is Karen Webb.
Most of Lara's books are in print, electronic and audio format, with others soon to follow.
Having been on the fencing team in college and now living on a sailboat convinces her that she was a pirate in another life, or possibly kin to Errol Flynn... However, due to the unfortunate demise of the romantic pirates of the past, she lives out her fantasies, thrills and adventures in her stories. Lara loves to weave interesting true historical tidbits into her fiction which invite the reader to explore further after the novel is finished.
Currently docked in Norfolk, Virginia (until the wind changes) Lara enjoys living on her sailboat and spends time reading, of course writing, indulging a variety of artistic endeavors, cooking and sailing with her husband, Joe and their Yorkie, Rio.

Lady Arabella Trunkett’s father, the High Lord Minister of Urbannia is kidnapped in the middle of a ball and the country of Gandiss is framed for the crime to stop the signing of a peace treaty with  Urbannia. Belle suspects that something else is going on and when she finds a mysterious clue left by her father, she runs off to the rescue of her father. Belle is an independent business woman, she invented steam-powered spinning wheels. I really like steampunk and I like strong female characters so I was enjoying this book a lot. The writing is really good. The pacing is really good. I was drawn into the mystery and adventure. Belle is reunited with a dashing scoundrel from her past who reminded me of Han Solo. 5 stars.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Contact Blog Tour by Laurisa White Reyes review and giveaway ~Kami



When 16-year-old Mira touches another person she know everything they know, every thought they've ever had, every memory. Because of this curse, Mira has attempted suicide twice. Her father works for a company that created a miracle drug that ends mental illness, but killed volunteer test subjects. This is a really well written story with an intriguing plot. The pacing is really good and I really liked Mira. The story drew me in and held my interest. There is a sweet love interest named David which changes this story from paranormal to romantic. But of course, Mira can't touch him. Her abilities are a lot like the X-men, Rogue's in that respect. Mira's mother seems to know something about the mystery surrounding Mira's father and she seems to be attacked for her knowledge. This story then becomes a thriller/suspense as Mira tries to uncover the truth. 5 stars

Title: Contact
Author: Laurisa White Reyes
Genre: Young Adult Urban Fantasy
Expected Release Date: June 23
rd, 2014
Hallowed Ink Press

Blurb:It takes only half a second…
 Like those commercials where a crash test dummy rockets forward at high speed and slams into a wall.
In that instant, every thought in Emma Lynn Walsh’s head collides with mine—every thought, memory, hope, disappointment and dream.
I open my eyes to see Dr. Walsh peering at me, a puzzled expression on her face.
Let—go—of—me,” I order though clenched teeth.
Mira wants to die. She’s attempted suicide twice already, and failed. Every time she comes in contact with another person, skin to skin, that person’s psyche uploads into hers. While her psychologist considers this a gift, for Mira, it’s a curse from which she cannot escape.
To make matters worse, Mira’s father is being investigated in the deaths of several volunteer test subjects of a miracle drug. Shortly after Mira’s mother starts asking questions, she ends up in a coma. Although her father claims it was an accident, thanks to her “condition” Mira knows the truth…but proving it just might get her killed!

Author Bio:
After earning her B.A. in English in 1995, Laurisa White Reyes spent many years writing for newspapers and magazines before gathering enough courage to live her dream of writing novels.
Contact is her third published book. She is currently pursuing her Master’s degree in creative writing, is a book editor for Hamilton Springs/Xchyler Press, and is the Editor-in-chief of Middle Shelf Magazine. She lives in Southern California with her husband and five children.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Cover Reveal Deadly Betrayal (Deadly Vices book 3) by Kristine Cayne

Hello, everyone! I am thrilled to share with you the cover of my upcoming release, DEADLY BETRAYAL. It was designed and created by the amazingly talented Scarlett Rugers (

DEADLY BETRAYAL (Deadly Vices, Book Three)

Kristine Cayne

Release Date: July 21, 2014

An Afghani woman’s rights activist with a dark secret.

Azita Seraj, doctor and women’s rights activist in Afghanistan, is horrified to learn that her late husband’s brother, Khalid Mullazai, is giving his twelve-year-old niece to a militant warlord. Desperate to save the girl, she reaches out to the only hope she has: an American soldier she treated several years earlier for a near-fatal gunshot wound. A wound he received in an ambush she’d initiated. Can she enlist his aid and still keep secret her betrayal?

An American soldier searching for answers.

Kaden Christiansen never forgot the beautiful Afghan doctor who saved his life, and when he receives her cry for help, he doesn’t hesitate. He relishes the opportunity to see Azita again, and being in-country will give him a chance to hunt down the person responsible for the ambush that left one of his men dead.

A deadly conspiracy that threatens them both...

Pursued by Mullazai and the warlord’s fighters as they travel across the country disguised and posing as a married couple, Kaden and Azita begin to fall for their own act and for each other. But Kaden senses that Azita is holding back. Is the reason their cultural differences, or something darker?

Print Version

This book will also be available in print, so Scarlett created an equally wonderful print cover for DEADLY BETRAYAL. I think it's absolutely gorgeous!

Already four beta readers plus my editor have read the book and loved it. I hope you will also find Kaden and Azita's unusual story both spell-binding and fascinating.

Do you want me to send you links to the various vendors when DEADLY BETRAYAL releases? If so, join my New Releases List by clicking this link: I promise you won't be bombarded. :)

Add DEADLY BETRAYAL to your Goodreads TBR:

Over the next month leading up to the release of Deadly Betrayal, I'll be sharing some of the intriguing information about Afghanistan that I've unearthed during the course of my research. You can subscribe to my blog (the Subscription widget is on the left side-bar <----) to have my posts send directly to the email address of your choice.

Thank you so much, and stay tuned for more about Deadly Betrayal!


Other Books in the DEADLY VICES Series

DEADLY OBSESSION - 4.4 stars on 107 reviews

Nic Lamoureux's perfect movie star life is shattered by a stalker who threatens any woman close to him. When he meets photographer Lauren James, the attraction is instant--and mutual. She's exactly the sort of woman he craves, but the stalker makes deadly clear Lauren is the competition. And the competition must be eliminated.

Amazon US:; Amazon UK:; Nook:; Kobo:; Apple iTunes:; ARe:; Smashwords:

Amazon Print:

DEADLY ADDICTION - 4.8 stars on 39 reviews

When Rémi Whitedeer and Alyssa Morgan uncover a drug-fueled scheme on the Blackriver Reserve—a scheme involving a biker gang from Alyssa’s past and a militant sovereigntist group led by Rémi’s cousin—Rémi must choose between loyalty to family and tribe or his growing love for Alyssa. Will Rémi and Alyssa have to leave everything behind—even their identities—for the chance at a future together?

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Amazon Print:

Thursday, June 19, 2014

"Summer Book Crush: Book Boyfriends Are Here!" ~Kami

What would you say to over 80 titles with many undeniably-hot BOOK BOYFRIENDS that leave you wanting more? Yep, we've got you covered. The second annual SUMMER BOOK CRUSH event runs this year from June 19th through June 22nd. Don't miss it, or you will have to wait a full year for the next one! main banner2 So many ways to fall in love with just a right BOOK BOYFRIEND! And the best part? You can purchase your dream Book Boyfriend for only 99¢ each, but for a limited time only.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Luthier's Apprentice by Mayra Calvani Review and excerpt ~Kami

The Luthier's Apprentice


Title: The Luthier’s Apprentice
Author: Mayra Calvani
Genre: YA Paranormal Fantasy
Hosted by: Lady Amber's Tours

Violinists are disappearing. Emma is sent to live with her grandfather while her mother is away visiting her sick aunt. This is a quick, well-written read. I thought the characters were interesting and the story was intriguing enough to draw me in and keep my interest. 4 stars.

Promo blurb:

Niccolò Paganini (1782-1840), one of the greatest violinists who ever lived and rumored to have made a pact with the devil, has somehow transferred unique powers to another…

When violinists around the world mysteriously vanish, 16-year-old Emma Braun takes notice.  But when her beloved violin teacher disappears… Emma takes charge. With Sherlock Holmes fanatic, not to mention gorgeous Corey Fletcher, Emma discovers a parallel world ruled by an ex-violinist turned evil sorceress who wants to rule the music world on her own terms.

But why are only men violinists captured and not women? What is the connection between Emma's family, the sorceress, and the infamous Niccolò Paganini?

Emma must unravel the mystery in order to save her teacher from the fatal destiny that awaits him.  And undo the curse that torments her family—before evil wins and she becomes the next luthier's apprentice…

Author bio:

Award-winning author Mayra Calvani has penned over ten books for children and adults in genres ranging from picture books to nonfiction to paranormal fantasy novels. She’s had over 300 articles, short stories, interviews and reviews published in magazines such as 
The WriterWriter’s Journal and Bloomsbury Review, among others. A native of San Juan, Puerto Rico, she now resides in Brussels, Belgium.
Connect with the author on the Web:
Purchase links:

The Luthier’s Apprentice

Chapter One

Brussels, Belgium
Present day

Sixteen-year old Emma Braun got off the school bus and strode down Stockel Square toward her home. She glanced up at the October sky and wrapped her wool scarf tighter around her neck. Heavy dark clouds threatened a downpour.  
As she passed a newspaper stand, the headlines on The Brussels Gazette caught her attention:
Emma stopped. For a moment she could only stare. She dug into her jacket pocket for coins and bought a copy.
The newspaper article left her stunned. Not only because three well-known violinists had gone missing in the last several months, but because the latest one was her teacher, Monsieur Dupriez.
The news story seemed so hard to believe, she stopped at the next street corner to read it one more time.
It was the last week of October, and the shops and homes were lightly adorned with Halloween decorations. Pumpkins and Jack-o-lanterns sat on doorsteps. Witches, broomsticks, and black cats hunkered down in windows and shops. Just last evening, Emma had sauntered along this street with her best friend Annika, unconcerned and looking forward to Halloween. Now, everything had turned dark and ominous.
The strange incidents she had experienced for the past two weeks added to her stress.
At first she had thought they were a string of coincidences, but not anymore. While scowling at obnoxious Billie Lynam during school recess, for instance, she wished he would fall flat on his face… and half a minute later, her wish was granted. On various occasions she guessed people’s thoughts before they spoke. And yesterday, on her way home from school, she accurately guessed the meal her mom had left on the table for her.
Was she some kind of a psychic? If so, why now? People didn’t develop powers like these overnight. Did they?
She hadn’t told her mom about her new abilities yet; only Annika knew. Maybe she would tell her mom today, after she shared the news about Monsieur Dupriez.
As Emma approached her home, she quickened her step. By the time she reached the door she was almost running. She raced into the hallway and dropped her book bag on the floor.
Mom!” she called, looking in the kitchen, then in the living room. The house was silent. “Mom!” she called again, racing up the stairs to the bedrooms. Entering her mother’s room, Emma found her sitting very still on the bed with a crumpled letter in her hand.
When her mom saw her, she hastily put the crumpled piece of paper into her pocket and rose from the bed. Her arched brows were furrowed with anxiety.
Emma momentarily forgot the newspaper article. “Are you okay, Mom?”
I’ve just received some unsettling news,” her mom said. “I must make a trip to see your Aunt Lili. She’s ill. She…I don’t know how long I’ll be gone.”
Aunt Lili? Emma frowned. More surprises. Emma had never met her mom’s eccentric only sister, who lived alone in the Hungarian mountains secluded in an old chateau surrounded by dark woods—or so her mom said. Though again, her mom hardly ever mentioned her.
What’s wrong with Aunt Lili?” Emma asked. “Can’t I come with you?” She had always been intrigued by her mysterious aunt.
No. You’ll stay with Grandpa. You enjoy working with him, don’t you?” Her brown eyes met Emma’s before turning away, and though her voice sounded matter-of-fact, Emma detected a trace of ambivalence.
Emma sighed. She loved violin making with a passion, but Grandpa was a bitter taskmaster. No matter how much she tried to please him, she never could. Maybe that’s why her mom often seemed so reluctant about her apprenticeship.
I’d rather go with you,” Emma said. “Plus, next week is holiday.” All Saints holiday week—or Toussaint, as they called it here—almost always coincided with Halloween.
That’s out of the question. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. Besides, you can’t miss your violin lessons, not with the Christmas competition at the academy coming up soon.”
I’m not so sure about that,” Emma said gravely, extending the newspaper.
Her mom took it. “What’s this?”
This is why I came running up the stairs.”
Her mom read the headlines. She gasped and looked at Emma. When she finished reading, she sat on the edge of the mattress and stared into space. “Oh, my God...” she whispered.
Emma sat next to her mom. “It says Monsieur Dupriez disappeared in his study. The doors and windows were locked from the inside. The police don’t have any explanation. How can this happen? It’s not logical. It’s not humanly possible.”
No, not humanly possible…”
Just like the other three—that German violinist, the French one, the American. Nobody has explained their disappearances. Who would want to kidnap violinists?” When her mom didn’t answer, she began to gnaw at her fingernail.
As if by reflex, her mom pulled Emma’s hand away from her mouth.
Sorry,” Emma mumbled. “I’m just worried about him.”
Poor Madame Dupriez. We must visit her. She must be in quite a state.”
Can you call her now?”
Her mom sighed. “I will. In a moment.” She looked at Emma, her features softening. Gently, she smoothed Emma’s glossy chestnut locks and side fringe away from her face. “Don’t worry, everything will be fine. You mustn’t be afraid.”
Afraid? Why would I be afraid?”
I mean, about Monsieur Dupriez.” Her mom appeared flustered.
I’m not afraid. I’m worried, and angry. I want to find out what happened to him. Without him, I don’t even want to take part in the competition.”
Monsieur Dupriez had been Emma’s teacher since she was four years old. But more than teacher, he was her mentor.
You will do your best at the competition—with or without Monsieur Dupriez. Do you hear me?” her mom said. Then her voice softened. “Listen, darling, I know how close you are to Monsieur Dupriez, but you cannot allow his disappearance to destroy your chances at the competition. I’m not asking you to win, only to do your best. You have great talent, a gift, and your duty is to use it to the best of your ability. Never forget this. Monsieur Dupriez would never want you to forget this.”
You still haven’t told me what’s wrong with Aunt Lili,” Emma said, changing the conversation. “Why must you go to her now, after all these years?”
Looking into Emma’s face, her mom hesitated, as if unable to decide what—or how much—to say. “You know she’s always been ill, a recluse. She…” She rose from the bed and walked to the window, then opened the curtain. It had started raining, the drops pelted against the glass. “This time it’s serious. She may die.”
Emma couldn’t help feeling a twinge of suspicion. She hated distrusting her mom, whom she loved more than anything in the world, but this time her mom was lying. Emma trusted that feeling, another of her freaky new abilities. She felt an overwhelming urge to chew her fingernails, but tried to control herself. For her mom, a violinist’s hands were a work of art.
But what’s wrong with her? What kind of disease does she have?” Emma insisted.
Her heart is very weak.” Her mom turned away from the window to face Emma. Her voice was laced with impatience.
And again Emma thought: She’s lying.
Please don’t worry about it,” her mom went on in a lighter tone. “I’ll try to come back soon.”
How soon?”
As soon as I can manage.”
Grandpa is always in such a nasty mood,” Emma complained.
Well, that isn’t news, is it?” Her mom stared down at the floor, as if absorbed by her own thoughts. After a pause, she added, “He’s old and his back always hurts. You know that.”
I love Grandpa, but he’s so freaking…” She tried to come up with the right word. Bizarre.  Instead she said, “Mysterious. You know, with his violins.”
Her mom looked at Emma and frowned, as if waiting for her to say more.
You know what I mean, Mom. With that room at the top of the stairs. The one that’s always locked.”
Her mom’s features hardened. “He keeps his most valuable pieces in there. You must never disobey him. He would be very disappointed.”
Who said I would go in there?” Emma asked, trying to sound innocent. If there was something she intended to do, it was going inside that room. Once she’d almost been successful. For some crazy reason, Grandpa had forgotten to lock it one day. But the instant she touched the doorknob, he had called her from the bottom of the stairs, his wrinkled features twisted into a mask that had left her frozen. He had appeared enraged and afraid at the same time.
When are you leaving?” Emma asked, shaking off the past to focus on the present issue.
As soon as possible. Tomorrow, probably. I’ll get the plane tickets today.”
Emma, please. If you’re going to complain or say anything negative, I don’t want to hear it.”
Fine. Obviously, this wasn’t the best time to bring up her new psychic powers. She headed to the door.
Where are you going?” her mom asked.
To my room.”
I’ll call Madame Dupriez to see if we may visit her after dinner. In the meantime, I want you to pack. You’re moving to Grandpa’s tomorrow.”
In her room, Emma dragged her suitcase from the top shelf in the closet and set it on the floor.
Hi, Sweetie,” she said to Blackie, her rabbit. “Want to get some exercise?” She opened the cage door so Blackie could hop out and roam about her room. Blackie was housebroken, and smart as a cat—or close to it.  
She stared at the elegant taffeta gown hanging from her wardrobe door, a strapless design a la Anne Sophie Mutter she’d already bought for the upcoming violin competition.
She sighed.
Slumped on the bed, Emma wondered for the umpteenth time about Monsieur Dupriez’s strange disappearance.
Where could he be?

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Bloodlust by Nicole Zoltack review ~Kami

Author: Nicole Zoltack
Genre: NA Epic Fantasy Romance
Hosted by: Lady Amber's Tours


An epic fantasy about a love between two people from different worlds with deep seated prejudices is an interesting idea but the whole thing didn't quite come together for me. I wasn't immediately drawn into this world or to the characters. I wasn't immediately loving the names Barbarian-Princess Ivy, barbaron, Forest of Gildersnatch and goliatha. Ivy is very prickly, which is apparently a normal, barbarian trait. I liked the goliath, Lukor better. 3 stars.

Book Description:
 In a world torn by prejudice and hatred, six races struggle for supremacy.

Barbarian-Princess Ivy is unwilling to allow her father to provoke the other races into war and forms an unlikely alliance with Lukor the goliath to save her people from utter destruction. Unbeknownst to her, Lukor blames the barbarians for murdering his sister and plans on sabotaging her goal.

Almost despite each other, they grow to respect each other on their journey to decode secret messages from the trolls. But nothing Ivy can do will prevent the war as her father is blinded by bloodlust and incites it himself. Not even killing him and becoming Barbaroness can stop the tide. And when Bloodlust claims Ivy, forcing her to kill everyone in her path, she must make a choice to destroy even Lukor, who she may have started to fall for and him her in return.

Author Bio:Nicole Zoltack loves to write in many genres, especially romance, whether fantasy, paranormal, or regency. When she’s not writing about knights, superheroes, or zombies, she loves to spend time with her loving husband and three energetic young boys. She enjoys riding horses (pretending they’re unicorns, of course!) and going to the PA Renaissance Faire, dressed in garb. She’ll also read anything she can get her hands on. Her current favorite TV show is The Walking Dead. To learn more about Nicole and her writing, visit

Excerpt:The coolness of the water did little to sooth her soul, but she relished washing all the same. After dunking her head beneath the water, she flipped her hair back.
Another heart beat. She slid closer to her sword, hidden beneath her clothes as she scanned the mountainside. No one.
A form stepped out from behind a tree. Another few paces and he almost left the shadows behind. Her breathing became slower as she took in his garb. A barbarian. One she did not immediately recognize. He stood tall, impossibly so, his muscles bulging against his tunic.
Whoever he was, he did not belong here. Watching her bathe. She who was to be their barbaroness.
A rush of adrenaline coursed through her, and she was dressed and armed faster than one could blink twice. The shield rested lightly on her back, its weight felt unfamiliar.
"Who are you?" she demanded, pointing the tip of her blade toward him.
Calmly, coolly, as if he had no reason to fear — how she would relish correcting his thinking on that point — he advanced, face still hidden by shadows, his hands in a defenseless manner. As if she could believe he did not have a weapon or five on his person.
"I am merely thirsty." His voice was smooth, but there was an undercurrent to it that piqued her curiosity. There were few barbarians she did not know. Who was he?
But now was not the time for introductions, handsome as he was. "Find another source of water."
Still he advanced, and so she rushed toward him. Too many people had defied her as of late. The arc of her sword swooshed by and clanged against a sword he removed from his back. They fought on level with each other, neither having the clear advantage. That he held his own against her both unnerved and enthralled her. For years she had trained and honed her skill, perfecting every weapon, until no other barbarian could best her. Even her kicks and punches were lethal. A long time had passed since she last faced a worthy opponent.
And worthy he was. He used his height on her to swing wide arcs, which she had to dance away from. His smoothness with his weapon, the grace he exhibited... Perhaps I have met my match.
Match. The term her mother had often used when describing those she thought Ivy should consider to be her barbaron, when her time to rule claim. The notion of marriage was one she never considered seriously, but this barbarian had her on her toes, fighting for her life, and she loved it, embraced it. How odd this felt, especially considering she did not even know his name.
Not that she had meant match the way Mother had. An equal, perhaps? But there was no equal to a barbarian-princess.
The battle turned from foolhardy to serious when her sword came within inches of slicing off his ear. His eyes narrowed, and his breathing changed. Had she triggered his Bloodlust? In the darkness of the forest, she still had not clearly glimpsed his face yet.
His huge hand grabbed her wrist and crushed it. Still, she held on, refusing to be unarmed. His other hand dropped his sword and gripped her neck. He dragged her to him.
And that's when she smelled him. Beneath the scent of the stolen tunic he wore, his stench rolled over her, filling her nostrils and revealing who he truly was.
Not a barbarian after all.
But a goliath.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Constricted by Rae Z. Ryans review and excerpt ~Kami




I love you; this is going to hurt.” The author note serves as a disclaimer that the book deals with sexual abuse, rape and sex slaves. The author also suggests empowering victims to rise up and heal. I was a little scared to read the book after reading the author's note but I was intrigued. I thought that the story would be uncomfortable to read but it wasn't. The writing is so dreamy and sad, it immediately draws you into the story. I didn't know that this would develop into a vampire story. In fact this is also a supernatural story dealing with demons. And it is a steampunk dystopia and a paranormal romance. I was intrigued by this shift. Korrigan is badly abused and Petre buys her so that she can free him from his vampire curse. There are a lot of interesting plot twists in this book. It is really a good read. 5 stars.

Constricted is the first in a dystopian paranormal romance series that weaves the book of Enoch, and the book of Revelation with light steampunk elements to follow the seven signs of the apocalypse.
The story follows the journey of Korrigan, as she learns about the world and love, and Petre the cursed 300 year old immortal, seeking to right the wrongs of his family.

Book Information
  • Title: Constricted
  • Series: Beyond the Brothel Walls
  • Author: Rae Z. Ryans
  • Publisher: Fictitious Publishing
  • Word count: 94,080
  • Genre: Dystopian Paranormal Romance- with light Steampunk

“Enjoy a morbidly assortment of heartache, tears, and sadness …immediately felt connected … flow is beautiful … this book is what perfection really is!” - Toni L.
The world sundered and the demons arose, warring against those neither God nor Satan had wanted.

Korrigan trained most of her life as a courtesan, submitting to the will of men.

Petre searched for the perfect woman to break his immortal curse.

Sold to Petre in Arcadia, Korrigan stumbled through her journey of love, treachery, and forgiveness. Secrets and lies whispered in the dark recesses of her mind as her past haunted her dreams.
What if all her master taught her proved to be wrong? As the weight of her new world compounded on her shoulders, slave and master hatched a plan to liberate the brothel and tear down the walls.
Beyond the Brothel Walls Saga #1
Lust ruled the demons. Seven signs have come and gone. Sloth ruled the vampires. Seven angels fell to the Earth. Envy ruled the courtesans. Seven Keys lay hidden amongst the Seven Angels. Gluttony ruled the rich. Seven families rose and fell. Wrath ruled the Horsemen. One family would bring the world to its knees. Pride ruled the Morning Star. The Horsemen must seize the keys. Greed ruled the world.

Author Bio
Rae Z. Ryans currently resides in Tumbleweed, Alabama, with her family and belongs to the Romance Writers of America. Published since the age of fourteen, Rae enjoys writing romantic, erotic, fantasy/paranormal stories and poetry. Her name pays homage to her brothers: Specialist Ryan D. Rexon and Zachary U. Berthot.
She is currently working on Beyond the Brothel Walls #2: Altered. This post-apocalyptic, erotic paranormal romance is emotionally driven, dark fantasy.

“Enjoy a morbidly assortment of heartache, tears, and sadness …immediately felt connected … flow is beautiful … this book is what perfection really is!” - Toni L.
The world sundered and the demons arose, warring against those neither God nor Satan had wanted. Humanity ended. The Nephilim, Elioud, vampires, and witches inhabited the shards around the globe and rose in power, as the gates of Hell unleashed in the south. The world quickly lost technology and industry, as innovation and invention plummeted, and reverted to steam power and bio-fuel.
Korrigan trained most of her life as a courtesan, submitting to the will of men and caring for the other brothel inhabitants. Beyond the brothel walls of Hampshire House, lay a broken world torn deep into the final stages of Revelation. Beaten, used, and starved, all Korrigan understood were the rules her master enforced, and there was no escape, hope, or love for women in her situation. What she learned of the world around her wasn’t the reality.
Petre searched for the perfect woman to break his immortal curse.
Three hundred years ago, the young Baron witnessed his brother’s heinous crime. Petre’s family forced him to lie, thus spared his twin brother’s death and their family name. The warlock Hestin sought retribution, and his revenge transpired, hexing both brothers with immortality to atone for their sins. Cursed, the brothers roamed through life, slipping closer to their demonic sides, until he saw her.
Lust ruled the demons. Seven signs have come and gone. Sloth ruled the vampires. Seven angels fell to the Earth. Envy ruled the courtesans. Seven Keys lay hidden amongst the Seven Angels. Gluttony ruled the rich. Seven families rose and fell. Wrath ruled the Horsemen. One family would bring the world to its knees. Pride ruled the Morning Star. The Horsemen must seize the keys. Greed ruled the world.
Sold to Petre in Arcadia, Korrigan stumbled through her journey of love, treachery, and forgiveness. Secrets and lies whispered in the dark recesses of her mind as her past haunted her sleeping moments. What if all her master taught her proved to be wrong? The weight of her new world compounded on her shoulders. Torn between her heart and revenge, Korrigan hatched a plan to liberate the brothels and tear down the walls, but could she put her pride and wrath aside to save the one she loves?
Beyond the Brothel Walls Saga #1


“Why are you wearing this … rag?” I asked and leaned away.
Amber eyes met mine. “You didn’t tell me what to wear.” Tell her? I cocked my head. “Masters choose what a woman can wear inside the household.”
I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. She’d actually expected me to dictate what she could wear. What had Jules done to her mind? His words echoed, “Enjoy her, she was mine.”
“Let’s go,” I said, rising and pulling her up with me. I stormed back into her room, leading her straight into the closet. “I bought these for you.” My hand ran over the various drawers and wardrobes filled with new clothing in all the latest styles. “That thing you wore here, burn it. Hell, Korrigan, burn it all.” I turned to her again, but her walls reconstructed into a stonewalled facade. “You are not my whore,” I said, cupping her face. “I don’t want one of those.”
“What do you want?” she asked, and I smiled, dropping my head to hers. “I know only what I was trained.”
“Forget everything Jules taught you. All I want is you.” My hand smoothed over the ratty fabric to her heart. “The real you not this frozen puppet.”
She raised a brow and parted her soft lips. I wouldn’t last the night without the walls between us. Her touch, those lips, I craved them. How could I let her go, to even think of leaving her alone? I dragged myself away, and told her to dress in something nice. A minute longer, lost in those lips, and my plan would have been over.
“Why me?” she asked as I left the closet. “Petre?”
I smiled and replied, “Why not? Get dressed, gorgeous.”

Friday, June 6, 2014

Scarlett Phoenix (The Seraphoenix Saga) and Crimson Fire (The Seraphoenix Saga, #2) by Bella Harte review with giveaway~Kami

Title: Crimson Fire ~ Book II ~ The Seraphoenix Saga
Author: Bella Harte
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance ~ YA Fantasy
Hashtags: #YAPNR #YALit #TeenReads #Angels
Publish Date: 22nd May 2014
Tour Host: Lady Amber's Tours
Blog Tour: 1st – 14th June
Cover Artist: Jessica Allain Art


Scarlett Paige has moved to America and is starting a new school. She is having her eighteenth birthday. This book starts out with a prologue about The Creator, Lucifer and angels. I thought this book started out really slow with a lot of exposition and explanation. The writing was pretty good but the pacing was really slow and drawn out. I wasn't immediately drawn to Scarlett or into her life. When Scarlett meets the mysterious Leo, I started to get more interested in what was going on since at that point weird things start happening in Scarlett's life. Since this is the beginning of the series, I think I might like the second book better. 3 stars. 

Crimson Fire (The Seraphoenix Saga, #2)

This book begins on the day after Scarlett's birthday and all the events of the first book apparently never happened. I was liking this book better than the first one. The writing is pretty good, though at times the flow was a bit clunky. There were some abrupt changes in POV that disrupted the flow of the story, I felt. I liked the pacing of the story better in this one then the first one. The first book seemed too rushed. I am starting to warm up a bit towards Scarlett's character. 3.5 stars

Book Blurb:
It was meant to be fixed… her destiny back on track, how wrong could she be…
Just when Scarlett thought everything was back to normal, well as normal as life can be with a posse of Seraphoenix Angel Guardians looking out for you.  She wakes to find her life plunged into a whole new nightmare, where time itself has changed and she appears to be the only one aware of it.

In this new reality everything has altered, Leo and the Seraphoenix are missing. Even her parents are different, as they turn against her when she is unexpectedly framed for things she didn't do.  To make matters worse she is unceremoniously shipped off to a supposed reform school for out of control teens in the wilds of ‘god-knows-where’ escorted by someone she recognises and really wished she didn’t.

Nothing is what it seems at the new school and the pupils are less than hospitable.  Scarlett finds herself in one deadly situation after another at the mercy of all those around her, and there is no-one she can trust with her secret.
Can Scarlett escape the menacing clutches of evil in this new reality?
Will Leo come to her rescue?
So you thought you knew all about Angels ~ here's some you've never met before
The Seraphoenix
A whole new breed, who are as sexy as hell and decidedly dangerous!
Find out how it all began in: Scarlett Phoenix ~ Book I

Book Buy link:
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Author Bio:
Bella Harte has been writing for well over a decade, and completed several novels before deciding to go in a whole new direction and write for the Young Adult genre. More specifically the YA PNR – Young Adult Paranormal Romance category.
Her first published YA Novel was ‘Scarlett Phoenix’ - Book I in The Seraphoenix Saga in 2012, with Book II:- ‘Crimson Fire’ being scheduled for release in 2014 and Book III:- ‘Red Ashes’ for 2015.
She has also been working on two other YA PNR series:
The Angel of Death Series
Book I – Reaper Book II – Touched Book III – Afterlife
Nine Lives Series
Book I – The Glaring Book II – Midnight Calling Book III - Hunters Moon
Aside from writing, Bella has also worked as a fashion designer and interior designer. She lives in a quiet part of rural England with her gorgeous husband, who doesn't mind in the slightest if she vanishes for hours at a time into her writing cave.
Author Links:
Twitter: @BellaHarteBooks
LinkedIn: LinkedIn


The give-away runs from the 15th May to 14th June
Up for grabs: 1 x Gorgeous Sparkly Silver Feather Pendant & Chain ~ 1 x £10 Amazon Giftcard (UK only) ~ 1 x $10 Amazon Giftcard (USA only) ~ 4 x Gorgeous Silver Feather & Crystal Charm Bracelets ~ 4 x Fabulous Silver Feather & Crystal Bookmarks ~ 4 x Fantastic Silver Feather & Crystal Phone Charms ~ 4 x Funky Silver Feather & Crystal Handbag Charms ~ 4 x Crimson Fire Ebooks

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Mini Excerpts
Leo emerged from the shadows like a tanned Adonis, naked from the waist up, his black jeans slung low on his hips. She marvelled as the glimmering light highlighted his muscular body, his skin glowed with an opalescence which radiated magically as he neared her. His hair streaked with shimmering gold streaks as he climbed onto the bed, pulled her close and kissed her. His lips felt intensely hot as he followed the curve of her slender neck with his fingertips, she moaned in delight as the warm tingling sensation began to spread in delicious waves throughout her body, the epicentre of the ecstasy beginning at the heart of her tattoo. He cupped her face gently in his hands and whispered softly.
I love you Phoenix, I love you…”
I love you too,” she whispered back as she pulled him closer.
He began to slowly untie the ribbons of her silver nightgown, one teasing bow at a time. She reciprocated, moving her body and letting the gown slip over her glistening shoulders. Her fingers traced every perfect line of his exquisitely chiselled torso, exploring his smooth tanned skin. He pulled her nearer, his hands gliding along the curve of her waist, and around her back as he kissed more passionately than ever.
He tugged lightly at the last bow on the low neckline, the ribbons slipped apart and her gown slid open. He gently laid her down on the sumptuous pillows and kissed her svelte stomach. His lips sensually brushing her soft skin, her back arched and she moaned loudly as he kissed each glyph in turn. The Mandala flared brightly and heat began to rage exponentially through her body as the tattoo exploded in a spiralling chain reaction of pleasure. She cried out in pleasure as the fiery desire engulfed her entirely. She looked up into Leo’s cool liquid silver eyes sprinkled with glittering specks twinkling like exploding stars, and fell drowning in their depths, she was breathing hard completely lost in the moment.
Leo smiled at her, when suddenly his features began to fade, disappearing into a blurring whirl.
She cried out desperately. “Leo!”
Holding her breath, his face began to return, but it was changed, no longer Leo but Lucius staring at her with a sinister leer.
Hello Phoenix, did you miss me?” he laughed coldly.